Join a small group at Highland United Methodist Church! We have groups that meet at a variety of times and cover multiple interests. Check out the descriptions below and choose a group that sounds interesting to see how faith is best lived together.
Topic/Name: Upper Room Class Sunday School
Group Lead/Contact: Paul Whalen
Meeting time: Sundays at 9:30 am
Location: HUMC, Welcome Area, Room 109
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: This class meets every week to enjoy time together, share prayer concerns, and participate in topical studies.
Topic/Name: Tower Class Sunday School
Group Lead/Contact: John Hodges-Batzka
Meeting time: Sundays at 9:30 am
Location: HUMC, Choir Room
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: This class enjoys a scripture-based lecture every week, takes part in prayer together, and carries out service to the community.
Topic/Name: Pathfinders Class Sunday School
Group Lead/Contact: John Hodges-Batzka
Meeting time: Sundays at 11 am
Location: HUMC, Memorial Room
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: This class takes part in book studies and spends time in prayer with each other.
Topic/Name: Sunday Dinner and Book Group
Group Lead/Contact: Mike & Sonya Girdwood
Meeting time: Sunday evenings, every other week starting on September 8th
Location: Girdwood home and/or Vine & Branches Student Center (depends on numbers)
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: This new group will share meals together, stay in touch with one another’s lives, and discuss faith-based books together.
Topic/Name: Circle 13
Group Lead/Contact: Ginger Paul (contact); leadership rotates
Meeting time: 3rd Mondays, 7 pm
Location: HUMC, Welcome Center
Proposed Group Members: Women only
Brief Description: Being rooted in Christ, we support each other with prayer, fellowship and opportunities for spiritual growth. We also put our faith into action with support for local, national and global missions.
Topic/Name: Coffee & Friends
Group Lead/Contact: Linda & Wayne Weidenbein (contact); leadership rotates
Meeting time: 1st Wednesdays, 10 am
Location: Weidenbein home
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: This group meets to share prayer concerns and devotions.
Topic/Name: Wednesday Night Class
Group Lead/Contact: John Hodges-Batzka
Meeting time: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, starting September 4
Location: HUMC
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: This class explores book studies to help members to grow deeper in their faith. This Fall, the study will be Warmed an exploration of the beliefs and future of the United Methodist Church.
Topic/Name: Open Minds Book Club
Group Lead/Contact: Ann Richards (contact); leadership rotates
Meeting time: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 pm
Location: Richards home
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: Participants seek personal, social and spiritual growth through reading and discussing books, podcasts and videos with themes related to, but not limited to, social justice, inclusion and the universal presence of Christ in our world.
Topic/Name: The Eras Club
Group Lead/Contact: Sally Race and Natalie Shadrick
Meeting time: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7-8 pm; six sessions from Sept 5 through Nov 21
Location: HUMC, Memorial Room
Proposed Group Members: Open to All
Brief Description: This group’s first topic will be Adam Hamilton’s Half Truths
Topic/Name: Word Warriors Women’s Bible Study
Group Lead/Contact: Linda Malloy
Meeting time: Fridays at 10 am
Location: HUMC
Proposed Group Members: Women only
Brief Description: The primary of this group is to study and discuss the writings of Beth Moore. The group is inclusive and supportive in an atmosphere of mutual respect, confidentiality and care. Members are intentional in their commitment to personal and spiritual growth.
Topic/Name: United Methodist Senior Fellowship
Group Lead/Contact: Ginger Paul
Meeting time: Fourth Fridays, 12:30 pm; Sept-Dec; March-June
Location: HUMC, Welcome Center
Proposed Group Members: Adult seniors
Brief Description: This group provides the opportunity for adult seniors to meet for mutual support and personal sharing with age-related programs. Boxed lunches are provided.
Topic/Name: Men’s Breakfast Club
Group Lead/Contact: Richard Mason
Meeting time: 1st Saturday of the month; 7:30 am
Location: first date (Sept. 7th): Mason home; future locations based on participant input
Proposed Group Members: Men only
Brief Description: This new men’s group will meet for breakfast and discuss faith-based topics.
Topic/Name: Service Project Group
Group Lead/Contact: Marty Malloy, Kevin Hagerty
Meeting time: Depends on various projects
Location: In the community
Proposed Group Members: Open to all
Brief Description: This new group will aim to meet regularly to serve the community and HUMC through various construction and cleaning projects.